Here are some yoga exercises that can help you lose excess belly fat.
Kapalbhati Pranayama
To do the Kapalbhati posture, sit on a flat surface with your legs folded. Relax all the joints and ensure that your spine is erect. Once you have attained this position, close the eyes and blow air out of your nose slowly while contracting the muscles of the stomach inside. Inhale deeply and let the stomach contract and expand vigorously. Repeat this breathing technique for several times for ten minutes and fasten the pace as you repeat. This breathing technique gives a thorough exercise to the abdominal muscles. As you become an expert in this breathing technique, increase the time period of the exercise from 10 minutes to 30 minutes.
Watch Video :How to do Kapalbhati Pranayama
Anulom-Vilom is highly effective in regulating the movement of oxygen in the body and gives the abdominal muscles a good work out. To do the Anulom-Vilom pranayama, sit on a flat surface with your legs folded. Relax the joints and ensure that your spine is erect. Close your eyes and hold the right nostril with the right thumb and press it against your nose so that the only way you can inhale is through your left nostril. Take a deep breath with your left nostril and ensure that your stomach expands as you inhale and fill your stomach with oxygen. Hold the breath for a while and release the breath from the right nostril after holding the left nostril with the forefinger of your right hand. Practise the same with the right nostril and practise the pranayama for at least 40 counts.
Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar is an excellent yoga exercise that includes a set of 12 exercises that are always done in the morning. Since Surya Namaskar is done in the morning, it allows an individual to receive ample amount of vitamin D. Besides, it also helps in making the spine flexible by letting it bend in whatever way possible.
Watch Video : How to do Surya Namaskar
The efficacy of all the yoga exercises to remove excess belly fat lies in the regular practise of the poses.
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