What? In-flamed bronchi causing breathing problems.
Signs: Usually surfaces 10 minutes into exercise with difficult breathing and a tightness of the chest.
Strike back: A US study found sufferers of exercise induced asthma could boost lung function by 64 per cent with fish oil supplements.
What? An infection of bronchial tubes causing mucus.
Signs: Hacking up green-coloured phlegm, tightness of the chest, a sore throat and wheezing.
Strike back: Invest in a humidifier to loosen mucus and take 20-minute home steaming sessions (in the shower) to help clear your bronchial tubes.
Lung cancer
What? Uncontrolled cell growth in your lung tissue.
Signs: Loss of weight, permanent fatigue, a persistent cough and blood-flecked phlegm.
Strike back: Sip white wine. A recent study by the University at Buffalo in the US found one-glass-a-day drinkers were 13 per cent less likely to develop lung cancer.
What? A bacterial infection of the alveoli.
Signs: A dry cough, which then contains large amounts of rust-coloured phlegm. Night sweats are also a sign.
Strike back: Lose weight. Harvard researchers found men who put on more than 18kg post twenties were twice as likely to suffer, due to pressure on the lungs.
Pulmonary hypertension
What? The pipelines between heart and lungs swelling.
Signs: Shortness of breath during everyday activity, followed by dizziness, plus swollen ankles or bluish lips.
Strike back: A potassium supplement can replace lost nutrients and a diuretic like vitamin B6 will help clear the swelling, according to the University of Maryland.
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