How to Reduce Belly Fat: According to ayurveda, belly fat is caused due
to an array of reasons which cause an increase in the kapha dosha. Lack
of exercise, sleeping in the afternoons, and an unhealthy diet and
lifestyle can collectively lead to this state. There are many ways to
lose belly fat with ayurveda which are based upon diet and lifestyle
How to Reduce Belly Fat with Ayurveda
- Foods such as sweets, sweetened drinks, carbohydrate and oil rich foods increase kapha and medha (body fat) and must be avoided.
- Consume more wheat products than rice products. Use green gram and horse gram to reduce kapha and medha.
- Consume two teaspoons of honey with a glass of ‘weight-reducing’ herbal tea to aid weight loss.
- Take one glass of water every hour from the time you get up to reduce belly fat.
- Minimise your salt intake and milk based products such as ice-creams and butter.
- Ayurvedic practitioners suggest that one must consume two fruits in the morning and one fruit every evening to reduce belly fat.
- Use a lot of cinnamon, ginger and pepper in your cooking.
- Avoid the afternoon siesta to avoid slowing of basal metabolic rate and burn more calories.
- Massage the belly with lavanthailam, known to be effective in disintegrating stubborn belly fat. Wash it off after 15 minutes with warm water.
- Take 15 ml of varadi, a tonic and mix it with 60 ml boiled
and cooled water. Add honey and have a spoonful every morning and
evening. Rest for 15 minutes after taking this.
- Add one spoon of triphala chooran to water and boil it. Take it with honey after every meal.
- Drink a glass of warm water when you get up. This is very effective for reducing belly fat.
- Grind horse gram to a fine powder. Add it to heated sour buttermilk
and apply this paste over the belly and massage vigorously in upward
strokes. Horse gram is highly effective in reducing body fat. Bathe in
warm water bath half an hour after the massage.
- Abstain from non-vegetarian food as far as possible.Exercises such as swimming, walking, and jogging also contribute to weight loss along with the above mentioned ayurvedic remedies to reduce belly fat.
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